How to cancel Aeromexico flights?

How to cancel Aeromexico flights 

Traveling is considered an unpredictable event till the date of completion. So when you choose to travel with Aeromexico and make a reservation for the same. Afterward, the purpose of the visit gets abundant, resulting in canceling the flight. Then, you can use multiple modes for carrying out the task. When you are facing trouble like How to cancel Aeromexico flights, then carry on reading here. However, the convenient modes to cancel a flight by using the online method and clues related to those are mentioned at the bottom titles.

Steps to cancel a flight on Aeromexico online

  • Head to the official web page of Aeromexico 
  • Later on, choose the “your trip” icon
  • Now, enter your e-ticket number with the last name 
  • Further, click on the cancel flight options
  • After that, you can identify the cancellation summary as cancellation and refundable amount.
  • Once these steps are completed, you can get a confirmation message in your email and phone number.

What is Aeromexico flights cancellation Policy?

Aeromexico has statutory provisions for every privilege, and the same goes for cancellation. So, you get to be entitled to the for conducting the procedure, and the rules embedded in this are displayed at the bottom Aeromexico flight cancellation policy.

  • If you cancel a reservation within 24 hours of purchasing a flight ticket, and that is before the seven days of flight schedule departure, then you cannot get to pay any additional charges.
  • When you cancel a fare out of this risk-free time, then a penalty could be deducted based on your fare rules and routes.
  • When you have a basis or non-refundable fare, then you may not take a voluntary cancellation. If you do, then you may get to forfeit the cost of your fare.
  • When you have a reason for canceling an illness or medical emergency, then you may make a free cancellation. However the document concerning these might need to be submitted to the airline for approval.
  • When the flight gets delayed more than four hours because of airline default, then also you can cancel a booking without subtracting any amount from the original cost.
  • If you didn't purchase a flight ticket from the airline and approached travel agents, then you get to reach out to them for cancellation.

Can you call to cancel a flight?

Yes, you can call the airline to cancel a flight. One convenient way to perform a cancellation task is approaching airline customer service on call because you could not be indulged in any of the lengthy processes. But there, you may have to share each and every piece of information asked by its customer service. Further, you can use this phone number, 1 (800) 237-6639, and afterward, pick an appropriate option from the shared telephone menu.


When you could carry on reading to the above titles, then you can have answers to questions such as How to cancel Aeromexico flights or cancellation policies. If you have any kind of doubts in relation to cancellation, then reach out to its customer service team and find a solution.


What happens if my Aeromexico flight is Cancelled?

Under the policy that governs Aeromexico flight cancellation due to the airline's fault, the passenger is entitled to a full refund along with the compensatory amount that would be rewarded. The refund can only be initiated once the passenger fills in the refund request form that has been made available on the official website of the airline. The team will go over the details submitted to initiate the refund process. The passenger cannot avail or become eligible for a refund if the airline has intimidated well in advance about the cancellation of the flight that the passenger has made a booking.

How can I cancel my Aeromexico flight online? 

If the passenger would like to know; How to cancel Aeromexico flights; it can very easily be done online through the official website of the airline. The steps are given here :

  • Leaf through the official website of Aeromexico.
  • Navigate to the main page to find the My Trips icon.
  • On the drop-down option provided under it, find the Change or Cancel Flight tab. 
  • Click on it and fill in the credentials to retrieve the booking made.
  • From all the options provided, click on the Cancel option.
  • Review the details, make payment, and submit.
  • The email with confirmation will be shared by the airline shortly. 

Can I get a refund on canceled flights?

The answer to this question is not straightforward because whether you are eligible to receive a refund depends on various factors, such as when you canceled your flight, what kind of membership you have with Aeromexico Airlines, which payment mode you used to purchase your ticket, etc. Generally, you can get a refund if you cancel your flight within 24 hours of your flight reservation. Review the Aeromexico Refund Policy below to learn more about their refund rules.

What are the valid reasons to cancel a flight and get a refund?

Aeromexico does not provide refunds in all flight cancellation cases. However, there are particular flight revocation cases when you can request a refund, such as:

  • You can get a refund if you cancel your flight within 24 hours of your flight reservation.
  • The 24-hour refund policy only applies to bookings made seven days before the scheduled departure.
  • You may receive the refund using the same method of payment used to purchase the flight tickets.
  • Flight bookings after one day are not eligible for a refund; however, elite members may get some exemption.

How do I know if my flight is refundable?

Whether you can receive a refund depends on the ticket type you purchased from Aeromexico. Only if you have a refundable ticket can you receive a refund. However, most consumers do not know how to find out whether their ticket is refundable or not. You can find out in various ways, such as by checking the fare rules of your purchased ticket, inquiring at customer service, reporting at the helpdesk, or live chat with the concerned airlines.

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